Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Color! Pattern! Fabric!

This is what fabric designer Anna Maria Horner is all about. I mentioned her in my last post, but her blog is one of favorites. It is always refreshing to see the designs she is coming up with. An interesting feature to her blog is that she has Flickr pages where people can put up images of their creations with her fabrics. Each page is from a certain collection or set of patterns or book of hers. This is just another way of bouncing around ideas between crafters, sewers, artists and the such in the online world.
Anna Maria Horner’s voice on her blog is very personal. It is evident from looking through her blog that she is a mother and works from her home. However, this is not a typical “mom” blog, because her posts, at least for the most part, relate to her work and how she gets inspired for her work. 
Living Room

In-progress project

Just seeing what this woman does with everyday life type things is colorful and  inspirational. It is interesting how she shares her private life of day to day things on a blog that is obviously meant to be seen by many. This is just another way of how we see people communicating over the web and using that means of communication as a way to inspire others and share ideas.

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