Tuesday, October 23, 2012


This company is just another way the internet has been an influential tool in the spread of creativity, and in this case, a very worthwhile cause.

This woman began this company as a way to help families to fund adoptions of orphans in Rwanda.
The products of Noonday Collection are from the villages of Rwanda, as well as other places the company has expanded, such as Peru, Madagascar, India, and others. The products are sold in the States and a certain amount of money from “trunk shows” goes towards adoptions.

Some purses from a trunk show

This blog and site show an amazing story through images, experiences, and a plea to contribute to the cause it supports. The visuals and stories alone make me want to be a part of this project!

It is amazing how easy this company, through its website and blog, have made it to contribute. The site is navigable and makes its mission clear through the “stories.” The blog gives consistent updates of what is going on with the company and the progress its making, so that you stay involved and removed from the goal of the company once they receive your money.

Overall, this is a compelling company, made possible I’m sure, through their presence in the online world. Not to mention their products are fantastic!

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